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how to speed up digestion and elimination

How to Speed Up Digestion: 8 Simple Remedies That Work - Life Infused
How to Speed Up Digestion: 8 Simple Remedies That Work - Life Infused
Do you suffer from slow digestion? Let's put an end to this! Talk to friends: Let's get something right away: If you are suffering from slow digestion, you are in no way in the minority of those who, for some strange reason, are too unfortunate to enjoy life in their best form. Nausea, burial, swelling, and constipation – almost all have faced these problems at some point in their lives, and reason is often clear. The modern way of life with constant agitation, the meals that barely look like real food, without time for rest and relaxation... Sound familiar? We bet! And that's why we're here to help you accelerate your lazy intestine. Learn what causes slow digestion and discover the best tips to permanently improve your digestion in a completely natural and easy way! First, we need to go back to school (don't worry, it will be quick and painless) If we want to help our body, first we need to understand it a little better. Knowing one or two things about the digestive system and the factors that determine digestion can put things in a completely different perspective. The first thing we need to know is that the food we eat doesn't come out next time we rush into the bathroom. Our breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks need much more to end your trip through our digestive system. Generally, at least 24 hours are necessary for a meal to travel from mouth to year, but this so-called transit time may vary depending on many factors. Among them, the most important are undoubtedly the diet of a person, its level of activity and the amount of psychological stress to which they are exposed. Psychological characteristics and general health also play an important role in this equation. Wastes that do not leave your colon for more than a few days pose a significant health risk. It is more likely to be reabsorbed in the bloodstream, which may have an irritating effect on the intestinal walls. This increases the risk of several diseases, among which cancer is the most severe result. Therefore, if your body needs more time to process what you've eaten, these are the areas where you need to concentrate to remove the bad digestion without mercy and recover your health. And this is the meaningless way to do it – supported by science and medicine. It's called removing the causes of slow digestion! With healthy lifestyle choices for foam digestion Although you could already know some tricks to boost a slow digestive system, we want you to really rock it this time and get rid of this problem forever. But if you want to enjoy life without constipation, swelling and discomfort, you need to think big for a moment. We don't want to sound too dramatic, but just adopting a healthier lifestyle in general, you will be able to really leave the creepy digestion behind and thus improve your overall health. Knowing what causes slow digestion is essential to also know what habits you need to eliminate for the ultimate victory. But don't worry. Converting unhealthy routines to habits that will really benefit your intestine is not as complicated as it may seem. Especially as we'll take him down in small and easy steps for you. Ready to meet the best slow digestion remedies? Come on! Avoid processed foods and fats and alcoholOK, first we need to talk about foods and drinks that are among the most common causes of slow digestion. It goes without saying that the typical Western diet could be one of the worst enemies of your instinct. Yeah, we're talking about ready meals, fast food and several popular snacks. Being high in sugar, salt, artificial additives and saturated fats, these foods are usually more difficult to digest as they are more likely to slow down their metabolism. They are basically stolen from nutrients, especially the fiber that is needed for the regulation of digestive processes. In addition, the high amounts of salt containing many fast foods can dehydrate the digestive tract, which is a safe way to go to the soil of constipation. While our bodies react differently to the same nutrients – which means there is no universal answer to the question of what causes slow digestion – scientists and medical professionals will usually tell you that accelerating a slow digestive system means avoiding too much of the following: Get a lot of fiber in your placeOk, now that we have slowly approached food digestion, it is also time to see what nutrients can accelerate things in the toilet. And there is a term that stands out as no other: the fiber. In addition to a series of health benefits such as lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease, it is also crucial for faster digestion. What does this mean for our diet? Swearing for vegetable foods, especially its skins and skins. Eat more fruits and vegetables, lentils, nuts or whole grains redefine their relationship with the toilet, avoiding symptoms such as cramp or gas. There are two types of fiber. While the soluble fiber makes for a smoother feces, therefore, helping it travel through the digestive system with ease, the insoluble fiber is known to add bulk to its wastes, thus ensuring regular and normal movements of intestine. Experts agree that in general vegetable foods contain both types of fiber, but to be really accurate, let's dig a little deeper and create a list of good sources for each type. Foods rich in soluble fiber are: And higher sources of insoluble fiber are: According to several dietary guidelines, a recommended amount of fiber for an average adult is approximately 30 grams a day. Nutritionists also recommend combining a fibrous diet with a generous dose of liquids. This ensures that fiber can travel through the digestive system without problems. Add Gut-Friendly Nutrients to your daily diet Your intestine is home to several types of bacteria that naturally reside there. While some of them really support the digestive process, others could work against it. Among those who work for a healthy intestinal ecosystem are probiotics. These microorganisms are known to decompose the indigestible fiber, thus avoiding the pain of swelling, gas and stomach. In addition to being in the front line in the fight against constipation, they also relieve symptoms of digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome or intestinal inflammatory disease, participate in the absorption of nutrients and maintain harmful microorganisms in control. Probiotics can be found in fermented foods. This expression is used to describe foods produced or preserved with the help of microorganisms. You want to know what they are? Here's the list: Do you like pickles? Do you have a secret passion for sauerkraut? Maybe you like to start your day by putting oats in yogurt. If so, keep the good work. And if the foods from the above list are like Chinese for you, it's time to embrace the fermentation trend and give your intestine the impulse you need. Hydration also matters! It's time for some (not so) fun facts! Did you know that the intake of low fluid is one of the most common culprits for constipation? Forgetting drinking is responsible for a variety of health problems and a slow intestine only adds to this harmful mixture. But luckily, the solution is quite straightforward. By taking care that your body gets enough water, you will remove unwanted waste from your intestine, smooth your feces and thus, naturally improve your digestion. Obviously, the amount of fluids you need per day depends on many factors. While experts recommend at least about 8 glasses of unheated fluids daily for digestive health, people who are more active will have to drink even more. Along with water or herbal tea, you can also increase the intake of liquid with the help of fruits or vegetables with a high percentage of water. These include watermelons, tomatoes, pumpkin, strawberries, grapefruits, etc. Are you ready for another trick? Try to combine one of your meals with a good old soup on the side. Hopefully, we don't need to remind you that it's better to stick to the water or sugar-free herbal tea and avoid sugary drinks. However, if your digestion needs a little more help, you can even mix some water with a tight lemon and drink it at the beginning of your day. In this way, it will contribute to the activation of digestive juices in your intestine, making your body ready to process food and decompose unwanted waste. And if you can strip the taste, a spoonful or two of cider vinegar is also a proven and proven shortcut to improve digestion. What if your instinct really needs an impulse? The answer is called Donat Mg, natural mineral water with scientific health benefits. It has been recognized as one of the best slow digestion and weapons against constipation for more than 400 years, and not without reason. His secret lies in the unique combination of magnesium ions and sulfate. Working through a process called osmosis, sulfate ions absorb the water of the cells in the intestinal wall, thus significantly increasing the volume of the intestinal content. At the same time, magnesium relaxes muscles and therefore helps stimulate regular intestinal contractions. Want to know more? Read all about or learn more about. It's not just what you eat, but also how are you among those who are used to eating faster than some people talk about? You may want to pay attention then as this nasty habit belongs to the common causes of slow digestion for many people. Don't you believe us? Keep reading. Experts say choosing the right foods and drinking enough is just a part of the equation as paying attention to how we eat also plays an important role in healthy digestion. It all starts in our mouth when we chew food. And the better we chew it, the easier we do so that our digestive tract ends work while absorbing healthier nutrients. When we chew thoroughly every mouth full of food, our mouth produces more saliva, thus kicking the digestion of carbohydrates, as well as the digestion of fat already in our mouth. Saliva is mixed with solid food, helping the stomach turn it into the liquid mixture that can travel smoothly through the intestine. Experts even argue that food chewing plays a role in reducing the level of stress, helping even more relieve digestion. In addition to carefully breaking pieces of food into even smaller pieces instead of devouring each meal as we haven't eaten in days, we also need to hear our bodies. Are we full? Do we really need another part? The so-called fullness issues are too easy to overlook, leading to swelling, indigestion, cramping or gas. Therefore, the key is to eat slowly and mentally. This includes enjoying our meals in peace, without external distractions such as watching television, surfing the web or playing with our smartphones. According to a common theory, our brain needs about 20 minutes to realize we're full. Giving us enough time and paying attention to the signals our body is sending can prevent a whole series of digestive problems. What's more, eating too fast can also result in swallowing large amounts of air along with our food. Therefore, we can quickly increase the amount of gas in the system, contributing to the increase in the sensation of discomfort and swelling. Stress Does not belong to the MenuDoes the symptoms of slow digestion coincide with difficult days at work? You might want to relax first. High levels of stress can interrupt the digestive process in your body in many ways, leading to a number of health problems. When faced with a stressful situation, your body changes to the mode of survival, thus diverting the energy from the proper regulation of the digestive system. Although in many cases, this may lead to problems such as ulcers or diarrhea, it is not rare that stress also causes constipation. If you think that the reason you have to fight against slow digestion may have to do with daily stress levels, so we recommend that you try to relax before each meal. Breathing exercises, sports activities and meditation could be useful while eating slowly and at peace rather than rushing is also crucial. Yes, it's time to find your gym bag and put your slippers on. If you want to remove the causes of slow digestion, exercise is your best bet. As food moves through the body with the help of regular muscle contractions (peristalsis), staying active ensures that this process does not decrease. However, if your habits resemble those of a sofa potato, the transit time can increase significantly, leading to cramps, general discomfort and severe constipation. To counter this problem, it is necessary to exercise, thus increasing metabolism and stimulating peristalsis again. Even a smooth stretch or a short walk around the apple can get a long way as the vertical position means allowing gravity to push food through the intestine more easily. But if you exercise regularly, for example at least half an hour a day, you will be able to improve your digestion even more. According to several studies, even moderate forms of exercise, such as light footing or cycling, may decrease transit time by about 30%. Sports activities also reduce the level of stress, going hand in hand with relaxation, while also reducing the risk of inflammatory bowel disease and other problems. You can do it! There you go, your own guide to stir constipation or slow digestion goodbye. As you can see, achieving this goal is not rocket science. The secret is in a healthy diet, accompanied by a conscious diet and an active lifestyle with regular exercise. And, of course, don't forget to drink enough. With a bit of commitment, almost everyone can do at least a little to make their bathroom visits more frequent and improve their overall health in a completely natural way. We know you can do it too! Be sure to also check our FAQ section and get the best answers to the most common questions about a slow digestive system! 4x accordion Choose the chapter: Never lose an article againConstipation can be a human headache, but as it happens, nature has the answer. EN - NewsletterHealthy digestion centerProfessional advice and recommendations on regulation and maintenance of healthy digestion. DietWhat is a laxative and how does it work? DietAre you staining a sign of pregnancy? DietHow long is acidity? DietHow does Heartburn feel? DietWhat causes acidity in pregnancy?© Atlantic Drugs Kolinska d.o.o All rights reserved. ADK is part of Atlantic Grupa.

What is Lazy Bowel syndrome? Lazy bowel syndrome, also called lazy intestine and slow intestine, is a condition with painful intestinal symptoms and movements. Some people use the "lazy intestine syndrome" especially to describe how their intestines behave after frequent use of . When you have this condition, your colon is slow to move the residues through your body's digestive tract. Lazy bowel syndrome can be chronic, with symptoms that are present quite often if not always. But lifestyle changes and dietary modifications can help improve symptoms. There are cases of lazy intestine syndrome that require the supervision and diagnosis of a doctor. Continue reading to learn more about lazy bow and lazy bowel movements, and when to see a doctor. Every time you eat, your nerves send a signal to you to start a sequence of activities. The muscles of your digestive system move the food forward in a wavelength movement called peristalsis. But this motion can be blocked, slower than it should be, or not a contraction strong enough to move the food forward. Reflexes related to the intestines can be weaker or less effective due to: There may also be other reasons for the weaker muscles. Sometimes the cause is even as simple as not having or water in your diet. Depending on the cause of your slow bowel movements, your treatments may vary. Here are some solutions that can try to encourage more frequent and easy-to-go bowel movements. Dietary Changes Delayed or slower bowel movements can be caused by lack of . A diet that emphasizes natural, unprocessed fruit and vegetables can start digestion and help make it more regular unless you have IBS, or other chronic gastrointestinal condition. Good fiber sources include: Also consider adding two to four additional water vessels to your daily routine. Limiting dairy products, which can be difficult to digest, and cutting of whitened, processed and heavily preserved baked products can also help. Ice cream, fries and frozen meals have little or no fiber and should be avoided. Cutting the coffee, which dehydrates the digestive system, could also be a way to balance its intestinal movements. Additionally, it has been shown that the counters containing to make the bowel movements more regular are added. Natural laxativesArtificial laxatives may worsen the symptoms of the lazy intestine or even cause the condition. But you have to try to kick your digestion back in motion. Add 3 to 4 cups of green tea to your daily routine can act to improve your digestion. Using gripwood leaves as a soft, natural laxative is less likely to cause the side effect of some other chemical laxatives, according to one. Others include chia seeds, leafy greens and castor oil. However, all laxatives may eventually train their intestine to rely on them to get things moving so that when possible, even if they are natural, they will use laxatives infrequent ways. Probiotics Taking probiotic supplements to improve transit time and regularity of intestinal movements. Currently, more research is still needed to determine the best variety of probiotics for the treatment of constipation. Eating, like kimchi, sauerkraut and yogurt, is another way to consume live strains of probiotic bacteria. ExerciseThe right exercise can direct your blood to circulate through your abdomen. For some people, this makes the system go. Consistent exercise may affect the symptoms of the lazy intestine by maintaining the rotated "in" and committed digestive system. Setting bath behaviors There are products in the market that claim to change their posture during an intestinal movement can improve the consistency and ease of use of the bathroom. Anecdotically, this seems to work for some people. If you have experienced lazy bowel symptoms, it may be worth checking one of these products, which change the angle of your legs to more than a "fourth" than a sitting position during travel to the toilet. If constipation problems come back constantly, even with diet changes and lifestyle, you need to talk to your doctor. On rare occasions, the lazy intestine can mean a more serious health condition. You should also call your doctor if you have: Last medical review on January 8, 2020Read this below

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